As a military veteran and former resident of several of the best wine countries around the world, I am proud to bring my expertise and passion for wines to the everyday consumer. My goal is to make wine knowledge and purchasing less intimidating for the average consumer or enthusiast, with a non-pretentious, personal focus. I want to help the client understand what they like, why they like it, and how to find it amongst menus or store shelves without focusing on the price tag. My partnership with wineries and clients alike will help you get acquainted with wines and further your appreciation and experiences.


Hi, I’m Brandon Pettersen, WSET II.
Wine Expert and Oenophile

My Philosophy

A quality wine experience is more than just a great bottle opened in a Michelin restaurant. Enjoying wine, like all things, is contextual and the experience can vary depending on the circumstances or the company you share with. A $10 bottle can be magical when celebrating a promotion with friends, but a 2009 Dom Pérignon can still be miserable during a break-up.

Additionally, ordering wine from a several page list at a restaurant can be intimidating, with prices that don’t necessarily reflect quality or your specific taste. I’m here to bridge that gap and help you find the perfect wines, for the best occasions, and at a price point you will be comfortable with.

“The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes of its secrets.”

— Salvador Dali